Monday, April 6, 2015

Faster, Cheaper... Bitter???

We all want to produce things faster so we can get it to the masses. Cheaper so you can save money and make more of it. And better so we can... wait. I meant bitter. Yes, bitter. We become bitter because it hardly ever works the way we want it to and we grow frustrated... or bitter. 

Well, lets get to how you can get to "Better" instead of "Bitter".

Every industry has leaders and followers – what separates them is that the leaders are usually those with the most defensible points of differentiation. Whether in features and functionality, brand image, service, process, speed or convenience, uniqueness must be established and communicated for a company and its offerings to stand out in the market.

The key to long standing success is making that differentiation sustainable. You do so by getting inside your ideal customers head. Before you start thinking about which qualities set your business apart from similar companies, you need to know almost everything about your perfect customer.

When you’re identifying your ideal prospect, consider the following:
·       What does your perfect customer really want?
·       How can your product or service solve their problem(s)?
·       What factors motivate their buying decisions?
·       Why do your existing customers choose your business over              your competitors?
·       Here’s a two word question you should always ask yourself           about a product... 

Are you ready? 

Here it is… 

Yep, I said it... Who cares?

Who really would care if you created this product? What problem does it solve. Remember, people don't want to buy things they want to solve their problems. Where are the people with this "problem" and how are you going to get your product to them?

Remember – it’s not enough to merely target a rough demographic. You need to know exactly who you want to sell to and why. Once you know this, you can get to work on the next phase... your unique selling proposition. Make your product and business BETTER. 

Developing a Unique Selling Proposition... coming soon.

Best regards,
Shaheim Cynclair Kellum

P.S. What questions do you have about this topic? Reply to this email and I will answer you back directly. 

And yes, I do answer questions for free. :)

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