Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Ambition knows no time zone.

Hey, it's Shaheim “The Success Mentor” here...

Ambition truly knows no time zone.

It doesn't matter where you are in the world, we all tend to get lost in our ambitions our desires, in the moment. This can be dangerous sometimes as it alienates you from everyone else and even the people closest to you. It's not that you don't care about them, it's just that you're driven beyond immediate reality in seeing this vision come true. This emotional pull that flows through your every being almost controls you. Before you know it, you haven't eaten, drank anything or slept.
This unbelievable focus has gotten us through many cramming sessions, pressures to fulfill deadlines and dreams we had to work on to see thru. When you become a business owner or entrepreneur, you'll sometimes forget the days of the week, holidays and seasons because you're in your own world bringing forth a vision into reality.
Embrace that focus and be confident in standing alone because no one knows your ambition more than the results your effort created.
- Shaheim Says

I'll leave you with a short poem I found...

"...I swear my admiration
can't fit in an equation
to find the summation
of my adoration
plus your negation
to be an imitation,
hot damn your dedication
is amazing..." - Saije Cook
-Shaheim Says

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