Thursday, July 30, 2015

9 Quotes from Shaheim to Inspire your Business

Shaheim Says: 

"A goal is but a wish unless it has a deadline and a measurable result."

"Getting specific in what you want to accomplish is super important in the planning. We work in Vision, Value and Objective to get goals completed and keep productivity high. To do this we look at what determines if the vertical or venture is a success to your calculated amount."

"The hardest part is to find someone legit that doesn't want you for all your money just to do something I love... The person that you need to put in power is YOU. You are the number 1 asset you need and will set the stage for the culture of business you want around you. Got it?"

"...over the years and in my own opinion, I've learned the top 3 things that keep people from succeeding are; an unclear vision, unclear objectives and procrastination."

"Every time you open your mouth to speak, you're letting the world know who you are. Make sure you have something to say. Make sure you use your words for construction of others not destruction."

"There is evidence that no matter what you do, you only have two hours of peak performance every day. Two hours. It proves your productivity is a scarce resource and you have even less time than you thought to get things done. Get the most done in your peak time."

"SUCCESS IS A WAY OF LIFE! Take the time to invest in your success!"

"Having Top of Mind Awareness is all about being in the topic of conversation. That's the fight you have in being in business... being in the conversation as so many are not."

"... products and visuals help in marketing but the real question is, who does it represent? That's called Branding. That's what sells. That's what makes your leverage. That's what builds your audience and grows your fanbase. Make sense?"

 "It's about doing what you love and sharing that with the world."

These are some of the topics and concepts I will be covering at the ONLY seminar I'll be doing this year. I've been constantly asked if and when I'd do a seminar and I think the time is right. Get to New York City for the POWERFUL orientation at my POWER SEMINAR TO SUCCESS

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How do I get people to check out my music?

Does talking to people work for your business?

It should! 

If it doesn't then you're missing out. Stop just sounding like a robot and get out and talk with people.

Conversations and drip mail still work. 

Above all build relationships with your audience. Begin with people you know and actually check on what they're doing. I always say, "when networking and building relationships, it should be more about them than it is about you." Find out what their doing and what inspires them. The conversation moves to a dialogue about them to a mental trigger called "reciprocity" (Jeff Walker) that then has them ask about you. Now you have an open platform to promote yourself as they had. Make sure you have a simple and direct call to action to what you wish for them to do. Got it? 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

You are Awesome

You Are Frickin' AWESOME!!! And that's not all. You truly won't be satisfied until you believe that. I mean it! You are awesome! Saying it out loud helps a bit but you must believe it. Self-affirmations work but only when your actions support it. You believe it so you become it. If you're awesome at something or people like how you do something, the next thing is to just do it. Do exactly what you're awesome at. Use your skills, your knowledge, your experience and use your creativity like no one else can. Be what you say you are and fight until you are what you have always believed yourself to be... AWESOME!!! For the LAST TIME, especially if no one else has said it to you, YOU ARE AWESOME and who knows that better than YOU!!!

That is all...

The countdown begins to my POWER SEMINAR in NEW YORK CITY. 

September 19, 2015 - For updates, SIGN UP HERE >>>