Saturday, September 19, 2015

Attend the Power Seminar to Success (Fall 2015)


My Goal is to master the ability to help people dig deep within themselves, discover their own potential through personal development, and unleash their success. I am setting myself up to help millions around the globe step closer to their dreams.

This fall (2015), I will be having an exclusive event. This event will be covering the Power Path to Success: Vision, Focus, Productivity,  Access and Leverage. Below are some of the things you can expect to be covered.
  • Vision - Getting your ideas to work for you (doesn't matter if you don't know what you wanna do with your life yet or if you have too many things you want to do. I got you covered.)
  • Focus - Identifying your Pillars, Setting a Criteria for your life and business, Habits of Success and more...
  • Productivity - Learning how to set Power Goals, the Power of Minimums and Winning Everyday.
  • Access - What we all work for, access to to something we want. I'm going to show you how a change in perspective can bring you (almost) everything you want. 
  • Leverage - You're going to be able to find out what it is you currently leverage and what you could leverage to make your life a success.

With this seminar, I get to educate, guide and offer what has worked for me to active independent talent, aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs. My presentation is an innovative delivery of information, mixed with lots of story telling and the offering of proven strategies to gain results. 

Do you need to be put on course for success?

If so, then you can make one of the best decisions of your entire life by attending this event. Keep up with us on Facebook (like my page), our mailing list (Sign Up) and on the Shaheim Says blog (Subscribe). We'll be sending updates through there. The first steps to your success. 

I hope to see you at the Power Seminar to Success. You won't be disappointed and if you are, for any reason, I'll give you your money back... Guaranteed.

Date date will be confirmed soon and Tickets will be on sale soon after. Follow me for updates. smile emoticon

3 Reasons Why Businesses Fail.

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I tried to figure out why most businesses fail and most of all why I was failing. 
It was 3 simple things: I had unclear visions, unclear objectives and I procrastinated.

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1) UNCLEAR VISIONS - I saw so many great things but couldn't focus on what I really wanted to gain.

2) UNCLEAR OBJECTIVES - My tasks always kept me so "busy" but I wasn't being "productive".

3) PROCRASTINATION - Sometimes I would think of something that would be a reason to not do something. Even though I knew it was important and that I would eventually have to do it, I would table it and not get it done. Kind of like knowing you have that project or term paper to hand in but you wait until the last moment (usually the night before...guilty) in a panic to complete it. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

17 Ways to Reinvent Yourself

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How do I reinvent myself?

Whatever you are looking to reinvent about yourself know that it’s going to take discipline to stay on track. #NoDaysOff When it comes to reinventing yourself you have to understand and decide on one thing. Who do you want it to matter to the most? Is it for yourself or for the people around you? If it’s for you, then you cannot be afraid to change a few things you aren’t happy with. I mean, we go through our lives every day in our pursuit of happiness and if certain portions of our lives aren’t bringing us happiness then change is a very feasible option. 

If it’s for the people around you, your followers, or even your clients then it can be a bit more delicate. I always say “Every time you open your mouth, you’re telling the world who you are. So make it count.” What is it you want your audience to see? What is it you’re looking to change and how dramatic of a change will it be to the people that already support you? Just some things to think about before you start your journey. I’ve come up with a list of ways for reinventing yourself.

You can use any or all of these ways of reinventing yourself:

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  1. Decide what areas of your life you want to reinvent. (Also, look at how this change affects the other parts of your life.)
  2. Make a list of the changes you’re looking to make. Get specific. It’s more about the smaller details that will affect the habits you are looking to change or enhance.
  3. Evaluate the changes and how it will affect you and the people around you.
  4. Evaluate how you present yourself and the subtle changes you can make to make those engagements impactful.
  6. Find people that you would like to learn from or collaborate with in this change. They may know more about its effects than you do at the moment.
  7. Look for people that inspire you. Added inspiration to an already powerful and motivated fire is like adding fuel to it. It will only drive more action.
  8. Read. Research. Study. – If you’re going to try something even if you think it’s new, it probably is a derivative or originated in some way from something else. Research it and give it real meaning.
  9. Be persistent. You want this change more than anyone and only you understand why it means so much. Let the world see that meaning.               
  11. Use Clarity, Communication and Collaboration. You’ll get better the more you take action with it.
  12. Explore new areas of your city or other locations. See the difference in personalities and how much they are drawn to you.
  13. Ask a lot of questions. Know any mentors or consultants… hint-hint… wink-wink. ;)
  15. Seek new information, knowledge and ideas.
  16. Consistency is the key, when it comes to reinvention. Stay with it!
  17. TAKE ACTION! (I think you get it by now.)

I want you to do this exercise: Put your arms down at your side. Now, raise your arms out to the side as if you were a human version of the capital letter ‘T’. Now reach all the way up where your hands touch way above your head. Got it? Now realize all of that space from your side all the way to the top of your head. That is your comfort zone. Now I want you to pick a spot on the other side (far side) of the room. It doesn’t matter how far, just far enough where it is out of your immediate reach. If where you stand is your comfort zone, would you be able to get to the spot on the other side of the room without moving? Probably not! But by taking a step toward the spot you are leaving your comfort zone (taking action) and to reinvent yourself, that’s exactly what you’re going to need to do.

Good Luck!


Shaheim Says

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Monday, September 7, 2015

Do you have to rely on social media?

I get questions all the time about what problems people are having and how to improve in their business.

Here's one inquiry I received last month that I'm just getting around to. Enjoy.

“Ironically enough , I truly don't want to rely on social media , my hard work goes into my paperwork , logistics , labor , I don't and can't understand how social media gets a big part of recognition for who you are , or who's to say "social media warrants your good work" , yes there's reviews , yes there's a buzz , but I just don't have the time and at the end of the day , the energy , and to hire someone to do strictly that , seems a long way away.”

No one said you have to 'rely' on social media. It's just a tool some people use to advance their business reach or brand awareness. Some just know how to use it better than others. Social media is great with presenting social proof.  Social proof is a way of gaining attention from people because “others” are doing it or participating. You’ve probably looked up a video on YouTube before, am I right? You’ve probably encountered a situation where the same exact video was displayed twice. Most people look at the 'number of viewers' statistic displayed near the video to determine something. I’ll give you the choice. 

For example: 
  • Let’s say the first video was viewed over 1,000,000 times and the second video was viewed a little over 40,000 times. Which one do you choose? When I give this example, a high majority of people would have chosen the 1 million plus video, but why? It’s because of social proof. Our minds have been wired to think that if everyone else has viewed this one video, then it must be the quality. It must be better than the other, we presume. That's of many reasons of what it could be? 
  • If you were driving across the country and you wanted to get something to eat and nearby were two diners next door to each other. One has 7 cars in the parking lot in front of the diner and the other had none. Which one would you eat at? Again social proof would have the majority choose the diner with the most people eating there.

I say all this to say, social media is about the use of how it benefits your business not on reliance. Many consider social media to be their only level of marketing but why do we use social media? We use social media because it gives us a global connection. It provides the ability to be seen and heard without ever leaving your home, neighborhood, city or country. It presents the opportunity to share with others and take a view of other activities around the world. 

The bottomline is this, it's marketing. But what is marketing? Wikipedia describes Marketing as communicating the value of a product, service or brand to customers or consumers for the purpose of promoting or selling that product, service, or brand.

All in all you do not have to ‘rely’ on social media but it is a medium of usage that can benefit a brand in how it’s seen and represented in the eyes of someone that has never heard of you. The likes, comments, retweets, shares etc are just statistics you can measure to how well you’re delivering your message, how well it's spreading and engaging your target audience. Talking and being social are not the same. You can talk until you’re blue in the face but being social means you are engaging with others that have a similar interest. The wonders you could do with knowing a network of people agree with your ideas, products and values of your business.

Personal social media accounts are another story but as for business, you’ll either see if social media can improve your business or not improve your business. You don’t have to be on all social media platforms either. Just on the ones where your target audience or engaged network congregates the most. So many people don’t check their emails unless it involves work. Many others barely reply to phone calls or texts but millions of people check their social media accounts when they wake up, several times throughout the day and even before going to sleep at night. Social media is an opportunity to be seen by those paying attention and your business can be just that, an opportunity to solve a problem they may have. If and how you use this tool is up to you and to this day the oldest – and perhaps simplest and most natural form of marketing – is 'word of mouth' (WOM) marketing, in which consumers convey their experiences of a product, service or brand in their day-to-day communications with others. It's all up to you.

Have a great week. :)


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Is Corporate America really gaining ground and running over us?


I get questions all the time about what problems people are having and how to improve in their business.

Here's one inquiry I received last month that I'm just getting around to. Enjoy.

“I feel like "corporate America" is still gaining ground and running over "us" (small guys) "Small guys who desire to get ahead , offer people something better for their money and a brand, not "bigger is better." I see a lot of folks lose / {get} lost in the system ....”

I wondered about this some time ago and I came to the conclusion to change my perspective about this. Corporate America is looked at as a whole. My business is just one of many, but do I focus on the many or just the one that matters to me the most? Just like climbing a mountain, it’s all about the steps “I” take. You may one day build a company large enough to create employment and partnership opportunities, provide jobs, offer benefits and a possible way for people to make a living for themselves and their families. You may one day become part of the world of corporations and big business within the United States or all over the world. Does that make you any different than a large corporation?

Corporations are offering a product or service, just like you are. I understand that you will want that product to be superior to the next, right? And that’s what competition is all about. Providing a better product for those it solves a problem for. Better doesn't always mean most expensive or top quality, better could just mean convenient.  

Are the larger corporations “running over us”? They definitely have the advantage but corporations are fighting for the same thing we strive for as business owners and entrepreneurs... leverage and access. You may have access to a network that a large company may not have access to. You might have control and immediate engagement with the same target customer as a major organization. Many times in business, this is when the phone starts ringing and these large corporations want to work with you for access to what you leverage. Who needs who at this point?

You already know that “bigger isn’t always better” and the smallest of change for convenience or accessibility can change the balance of people’s lives. The product doesn’t need to be “greatest invention in the history of the world”, it just has to solve a problem for the people that it matters to the most. Corporations have a tough time deciphering what it is people actually want and you have the ability to do it every day when you speak to people. I don't think their running over you, their just good at finding what they need to survive. Gaining ground is all about progress. {See "The Struggle with Time Article"} Your perspective on Corporate America happens to be similar to what you will be dealing with to get ahead. Learn their perspective and make a better way to influence the people your business matters to the most.

Have a great week. :)


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The Struggle with Time

Happy Labor Day :)

I get questions all the time about what problems people are having and how to improve in their business.

Here's one inquiry I received last month that I'm just getting around to. Enjoy.

“Lately, I feel a struggle with time , almost like I need a 28 hr clock. I realize that competitors have an army of workers to complete their tasks, as for myself it's just me and the mountain becomes harder to climb with no support.”

I call this:

The Struggle with Time

When it comes to time, it doesn’t matter who you are, we all have the same 24 hrs in a day. It’s not about having 28 hours in a day but how you use your 24 hours. I’ve been in your shoes thinking to myself "if I use every moment with my hard work I can make it.", right? Soon enough, burnout sets in (feeling fatigued, stressed, overwhelmed) and I’m in no better position than I was before. After doing some major personal development, I learned that if working harder isn’t working as much as I would like, I would need to work smarter. Take the time to understand how you can make parts of your business more efficient even if you are the only employee.

A few ways you could maximize your time:
  • Keep things simple
  • Set an allotted time for an activity and stick to it
  • Eliminate your distractions (Cell phones, emails, etc...)
  • Set minimum goals and deadlines
  • Track your progress
  • Study your results
  • Study one skill you feel you need most to improve your business

Once you understand how to manage your time you’ll see that even big corporations run into the same problems, regardless if they have the workforce or not. Maximizing time (Time Management) is a skill in itself. The mountain can be climbed one step at a time, all you need to do is focus on the next step.

Have a great week.


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