Saturday, April 11, 2015

Can someone be successful without a mentor?

Can someone be successful without a mentor?

Yes, you can be successful without a mentor but in actuality you have mentors all around you. Mentors can help you get to your success faster and help you avoid simple and catastrophic mistakes too. It doesn't necessarily need to be a single person you've hired or someone that has taken you under their wing, it can be your experiences, your trials and errors and the moments you engage in. It could be how you how you see the world and how you operate in it.

I never really had a mentor so I always thought I would be alone in getting to my success but I remembered something from my freshman year in psychology. My professor said to the class, "regardless if you come to class or not, I still get a check. If you pass or not, I still get a check. This isn't high school. College isn't about what it gives you, it's about what you take from it." I have applied this philosophy to everything I ever done in life since then. That became my mentor. I became my own mentor.

I still help others and if you like you can join my Power List to get advice, tips and mentoring lessons a few times a month at no charge. :)

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