Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Do You Really Need a Manager?

Do You Really Need a Manager?

You may honestly think you do and that may be so but do you know what a manager is supposed to do for you? What kind of asset is he/her to your current level? Will your manager have to wear more hats than necessary? Remember your manager is not your ATM or your booking agent. They are theoretically a knowledgeable guide or an individual or company who guides the professional career of artists in the entertainment industry.
What if you could manage yourself? Some of you already are. But what if you learned and applied the knowledge in how to manage yourself in the real world. You see, a friend of mine told me this, "for an artist to be successful, they must either listen extremely well or have a lot of money." If you're the ladder then you have expendable income to be able to make mistakes and it not really effect your finances. If you're like the many artists that I've met over the years, finances are not as dispensable and every dollar spent is crucial. Now, what if you were taught how to hire people to your team, how to network and how to build a proper fan base (outside of just social media)? What if you were shown how to make a profit in the same system that has been keeping you out of ring. Would you be interested? Then what's stopping you from applying these principles? I do have the answers. I guarantee you would be much more productive than you are right now and all you'll need is a little bit of money to do it. Oh, but you're still going to need to listen extremely well for it to work.

I've conducted market research and asked a significant number of talent and professionals, around the U.S., questions about what they would consider a need in order to have a career in today’s music business.
Questions such as:
• Other than money, what struggles does an Independent Artist go through?
• What’s the biggest misconception that independent talents have?
• How do I build a real fan base and make money?

After compiling the information gathered and deliberating on the most important effects, I have been on a mission to help talent that is willing to devote their time into building a business from their entertainment careers. 

So, guess what? I'm going to write a book on artist development. Stay tuned. 

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