Thursday, January 1, 2015

What's my real name?

What's my real name?

Shaheim aka Mr. Cynclair
(My ruffle shirt & bow tie is AWESOME!!!)

Now many of you that have known me in the last decade have come to know me only as Mr. Cynclair. And that's great. There's something about that name that I've always loved. When I was younger I wanted to be like some of the super heroes I saw on TV and even some of the "Big Time" entertainers I was influenced by. In my early years, I practiced with all kinds of names until I couldn't find anything that existed to fit me. I did research, and everything, on names that would be able to describe me, my innovations and my capabilities. I soon realized that I was unique within in myself and wouldn't conform to just one name that can be defined in a dictionary. If I was going to be unique, I would have to create something that sounded like I was important, intelligent and to be one of the only people with that name that people would know if asked. So I created a name that I felt would embody the persona of who I would become while still tying it to the things that made me happy.

Here I am... Mr. CYNCLAIR
...but my family knows me as Shaheim.

I spend much of my time thinking, then planning and then implementing ways on how to reach every single one of my goals. And I have plenty. What I enjoy about how my mind works is something my Dad told me when I was younger: "To know something is for you, but to understand it is to teach it to someone else." Putting people first has allowed me to reach many of my goals, so I'm not gonna stop now. Funny thing is, "Shaheim" actually means "wisdom". Go figure.

I've worked in Retail, Sales, Management, I was and still am a Business Owner. I've worked in the Music Industry, Radio and as a Basketball Coach. I've even worked on a farm. Yes, a farm. Lol. I say all this to say, that I'm no stranger to hard work and my experiences have lead me to other professions I currently take on as a Mentor, Consultant, Public Speaker and an Licensed NYS Real Estate Agent in New York City.

I see the world in a way that can be only seen by those that have optimistic projections and commitments to understanding how things work. We have to leave this world in a better place than we got it. I do know that my life experiences can help others reach their dreams and seeing a window of opportunity to help people. Knowing this, I've lent my time, for free, to teach teleconference lessons on "How to Manage Yourself" and personalized 20 minute weekly consultations on how to get started or improve your business. Knowing what you want to do in life is the most invigorating and overwhelming feeling in life. But loving it along the way makes it worthwhile. I show you how.

Listen, my life experiences are flooded with failures but my successes have allowed me to put some color into the water. Kind of blend it all in to one big cup of "Life-Juice". I have so much belief in people that I want them to be able to see their potential one day. My hope is to help 10 Million people with my words, inspirations, lessons, classes, consultations and even from the stories in my experiences. My wife really wants me to write a book but I keep putting it off. Maybe this blog will help me get much of the writing done and help as many people as I can along the way. I am Shaheim Kellum aka Mr. Cynclair. :)

"Time to take action." 
Follow this blog for updates.

Contact "Shaheim Says" at for a consultation or feedback.

Business is about internal and external battles... simply put, I prepare you for WAR. I teach and help people implement 3 simple pillars into everything THEY do in life.


- CREATION OF AN INSATIABLE HUNGER FOR SUCCESS (Think of a LION that's always hungry)...Yum!!!

I teach you how to "BE FIRST or BE BETTER. Period.

What else do you wanna know?

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